Your Creations

We happily feature your creations. Just to offer you a few ideas on how others have used our yarns. These items were made by you have made from our yarns. If the pattern is available, we will let you know. However, sometimes these are adaptations of our talented friends. We hope you are encouraged and find new ways to use our fine yarns. You will also see how talented you all are. Thank you all for sharing your talents and photos with us.

Product Image Item Name+ Price
Annie's Mochi Plus Sweater

Annie's Mochi Plus Sweater

Annie has knit herself a new sweater from Mini Mochi in color Rainbow Trout for her 90th birthday. She created the pattern to fit her perfectly.


Back of Kelly's shawl from Gina

Back of Kelly's shawl from Gina

The back of Kelly's shawl knit from Plymouth's Gina.


Jeanne's first project

Jeanne's first project

Jeanne's first project - Golf Sox


Jeanne's first sweater

Jeanne's first sweater

Two years after learning to knit- she finished her first sweater!!!


Karena's stack of hats

Karena's stack of hats

Karena and her stack of hats. All knit with 2 tone combination's of Fixation yarns. She and her mother Rosemarie had 24 hats all knitted up before...


Kelly's Shawl from Gina

Kelly's Shawl from Gina

Kelly knit the shawl form Plymouth's Gina and loved knitting the pattern so much that is is making another one.


Kim's Log Cabin Blanket

Kim's Log Cabin Blanket

Kim knitted this Log Cabin Blanket from our pattern. Wonderful color coordinations. You can find this pattern under "Patterns, Afghans"


Sergei's Hedgehog and friend

Sergei's Hedgehog and friend

Sergei's knitted and felted this friendly hedge hog from the Fiber Trends pattern. His smaller friend was made by Audrey.


Susan's Purse before Felting

Susan's Purse before Felting

Susan knitted her purse from Brown Sheep Lambs Pride and is ready to felt it.


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